Since 4.0.0 every over-all check has a feature, which we call “instance-name contains node-name”. We have introduced this as an replacement for the sporadic available --node|--vserver parameter (not available any more). So since then each instance-name has the name of its node prefixed. This allows to use …
We are constantly trying new methods of installing the plugins so to make installation and upgrade easy and scriptable (rpm, …). We found the Perl dependencies being the main obstacle and finally favorite a solution depending on docker. So in the future you could get a fully installed docker image with anything …
We have one report, that changing the setup from a chain setup (netapp01 → netapp02 → netapp03) to a star setup (netapp01 → netapp02 ➕ netapp01 → netapp03) makes stoping some collectors (e.g. with an error of “Instance ‘NETAPP01-SVM01:NETAPP01_SVM01_xxxx01_vol’ already exists - can …