The RESTful Spare-Disk Check has got subcommands for checking both spare-disks and spare-partions.
Example for checking spare-disks ./check_netapp_spare disk -H filer NETAPP_PRO SPARE OK - 28 disks checked ... Checks all nodes for sufficient spare-disks.
Example for checking spare-partitions ./check_netapp_spare …
The family of Check NetApp REST monitoring plugins has grown. With the check_netapp_disk container-type plugin the storage admin has a constant eye on disks that have been moved into unwanted containers.
Let’s look at an example:
.$ check_netapp_disk container-type -H sim96 NETAPP DISK CONTAINER TYPE OK - 28 …
Fixed Usage-Check: Handling of volumes with no state-attribute shelf-environment-object in cm-getter needs a node-name (sometimes) New and improved new DiskCount check (counts spare-disks per type or storage-pool) new …
Our new DiskCount check counts available disks on a system. This can be quite handy when setting a filter, e.g. only counting SSD drives in the spare container. This way, one can use thresholds to send warning messages as soon as the number of spare SSD disks falls below a certain threshold. In contrast to the …
Our Disk check is going to have a new feature. Using the switch ‑‑what=non-zeroed-spare an alarm is sent as soon as non-zeroed spare disks have been found. Depending on wether the zeroing process is currently running or not, a WARNING (including progress) will be sent or else CRITICAL.