New Checks in v3.1.0 check_netapp_node service-processor has got new subcommands to check the service-processor
state (online/offline) last-update-state (passed/failed) is-ip-configured link-status The firmware version is now printed into the message.
check_netapp_lun state : Checks if luns are online/offline and their …
v3.0.0 Released: Checks for Node-Hardware, Flexcache, Volume-State, Inodes in Aggregates and Volumes
❗️Check NetApp-REST introduces a breaking change beginning with v3.0.0.
New Checks Beside of the above mentioned UI-change we offer a lot of new checks:
Node: fan, power-supply, temperature, NVRAm battery, node state (up/down), ha state, give-back state Check for the the flexcache connection status Volume: State- and …
Check NetApp-REST introduces a breaking change beginning with v3.0.0.
Change For parameters that previously expected a regular expression: Beginning with the v3.0.0 release, values which do not start with a tilde (~) are interpreted as strings that must match exactly, and not as regex patterns.
Motivation The new …
The next version 2.2.0 of Check NetApp-REST, released on 2023-10-31, has new checks and enhances the EMS-Log-Check.
S3-Bucket Check The check_netapp_s3bucket check monitors size and usage of S3 buckets in DataOntap.
S3-Bucket Check Example $ check_netapp_s3bucket free -H filer NETAPP S3 BUCKETS OK - 2 buckets checked\E …
NetApp’s ZAPI interface (now called ONTAPI) will reach end of availability (EOA) in January 2023. Therefore the checks from Check NetApp-ZAPI won’t be of much use in the near future. Fortunately all customers for Check NetAppPRO can use the future-proof Check NetApp-REST with the same license and therefore …
The RESTful Spare-Disk Check has got subcommands for checking both spare-disks and spare-partions.
Example for checking spare-disks ./check_netapp_spare disk -H filer NETAPP_PRO SPARE OK - 28 disks checked ... Checks all nodes for sufficient spare-disks.
Example for checking spare-partitions ./check_netapp_spare …
The v1.2.0 release of our Check E-Series product brings a new monitoring plugin called check_eseries_interface to monitor the host-interfaces.
This plugin contacts the StorageGRID Management API (StorageGRID Webscale) and checks then several values for being as expected. Examples are:
channel type: driveside or …
Over the years, this blog has accumulated almost 300 articles. Unfortunately, the built-in JS-based search is overwhelmed by this. We have therefore switched the search bar at the top to an external search engine called MetaGer.
Why MetaGer? MetaGer is a search engine supported by the non-profit SUMA-EV, Association …
We have got this request:
Recently we have noticed that some of our fiber optic cables have degraded, this is sadly not reported anywhere else exept with the commands below…
STOR04-A1::*> storage port show -node STOR04-A1-01 Speed Node Port Type (Gb/s) State Status ------------------ ---- ---- ------ -------- …
The plugin check_netapp_aggregate object-store monitors the availability of an object store. In principle, we do the same as a storage admin who enters the command storage aggregate object-store show into Ontap’s CLI and then checks whether available is shown in the field object-store-availability.
Here is an …