New Checks in v3.1.0 check_netapp_node service-processor has got new subcommands to check the service-processor state (online/offline) last-update-state (passed/failed) is-ip-configured link-status The firmware version is now printed into the message. check_netapp_lun state : Checks if luns are online/offline and their …
Check NetApp-REST introduces a breaking change beginning with v3.0.0. Change For parameters that previously expected a regular expression: Beginning with the v3.0.0 release, values which do not start with a tilde (~) are interpreted as strings that must match exactly, and not as regex patterns. Motivation The new …
The v1.2.0 release of our Check E-Series product brings a new monitoring plugin called check_eseries_interface to monitor the host-interfaces. This plugin contacts the StorageGRID Management API (StorageGRID Webscale) and checks then several values for being as expected. Examples are: channel type: driveside or …
The plugin check_netapp_aggregate object-store monitors the availability of an object store. In principle, we do the same as a storage admin who enters the command storage aggregate object-store show into Ontap’s CLI and then checks whether available is shown in the field object-store-availability. Here is an …