Searching the blog

Over the years, this blog has accumulated almost 300 articles. Unfortunately, the built-in JS-based search is overwhelmed by this. We have therefore switched the search bar at the top to an external search engine called MetaGer.

Why MetaGer?

MetaGer is a search engine supported by the non-profit SUMA-EV, Association for Free Access to Knowledge. MetaGer protects against censorship by combining results from many search engines. The source code is free and open source and respects your privacy.

Integrating MetaGer into our website was also relatively easy.

TODOs & Gotchas

We still have problems with the language, i.e. the German MetaGer page opens and not the English one. I hope we can solve this problem soon.

Furthermore, please note that the search page that is opened directly from our blog only contains results from our blog. However, if other searches are performed on the then opened MetaGer page, this filter will not take effect. So, to search only the blog, any MetaGer page/tab must be closed and searched again directly from the blog.

Pro Tip

Most search engines support the site filter. So you can always use the search engine of your trust to search our blog specifically by entering after the search terms.

For example, to search for articles about spare-disks in our blog enter in the search mask: spare-disk

List of privacy friendly search engines supporting the site filter:

New Check: Storage Port Status (degraded)
Monitoring Check for E-Series Interfaces
