The new check_netapp_volume missing plugin notifies you or your team, when a volume has been removed from the system.
Motivation and Workflow NetApp has a “recovery queue” which is set to 12 hours by default. If the monitoring reports that a volume has been deleted, you have the chance to recover that volume.
Please …
check_netapp_volume usage
command understands relative thresholds in percent as well now …
One of our customers asked if we could develop a plugin that determines the last access date/creation date/modification dates …
The v1.2.0 release of our Check NetApp-REST product contains a new monitoring plugin called check_netapp_volume usage. It provides the monitoring of:
the used space of each volume (in Bytes) the total used space of several volumes the average used space of several volumes the min/max of used space of several volumes A …
Less can be more Some time ago, we received an enquiry in which a customer illustrated a general problem using the LUN check as follows:
If I run ./ LunState -H fas --alarm_limit 1
This will show you all the LUNs on the Cluster, both online and offline. We have systems that contain over 200 LUNs, so …
The plugin check_netapp_shelfenv does not work in Ontap 9.8 After much back and forth, we have now received confirmation that in Ontap 9.8 the endpoint /api/private/cli/storage/shelf for the RESTful API is missing or not working.
On the command line it looks like this:
curl -X GET -u nagios:**** -k …
How to integrate the EMS-Log into an existing System-Monitoring solution In this article ONTAP REST APIs: Automate Notification of High-Severity Events Mahalakshmi describes how to use messages to get notified about system events, depending on their type and severity. It’s a really flexible and comprehensive way …
The family of Check NetApp REST monitoring plugins has grown. With the check_netapp_disk container-type plugin the storage admin has a constant eye on disks that have been moved into unwanted containers.
Let’s look at an example:
.$ check_netapp_disk container-type -H sim96 NETAPP DISK CONTAINER TYPE OK - 28 …
The 5.3.0 version, released yesterday includes a new check to monitor the EMS(Event Management System)-Logfile. This allows several new checks among them one to send an alarm, if an unusal high number of autogrow-events take place.
Let’s have some examples:
# check myfiler for autoSize events and alarm according …
We are providing a new check to validate the certificates expiration from the SVM in the NetApp cluster. This check will send you a warning if one (or many) of the server-certificates are going to expire within a given number of days.
$ scripts/certificate -H filer -w 30 -c 10 CERTIFICATE OK - 3 server certificates …