RESTful volume check for NetApps ONTAP filer

The v1.2.0 release of our Check NetApp-REST product contains a new monitoring plugin called check_netapp_volume usage. It provides the monitoring of:

  • the used space of each volume (in Bytes)
  • the total used space of several volumes
  • the average used space of several volumes
  • the min/max of used space of several volumes

A typical output would look like:

$ check_netapp_volume usage -H filer -w 30GiB -c 50GiB
NETAPP VOLUME USAGE OK - 5 volumes checked
vserv_b.vol2: 1.254MiB
vserv_b.vol1: 1.23MiB
vserv_a.vol1: 1.184MiB
vserv_b.vol0: 1.27MiB
vserv_a.vol0: 1.238MiB
| 'vserv_a.vol0'=1298432B;32212254720;53687091200;0; 'vserv_b.vol0'=1331200B;32212254720;53687091200;0; 'vserv_a.vol1'=1241088B;32212254720;53687091200;0; 'vserv_b.vol1'=1290240B;32212254720;53687091200;0; 'vserv_b.vol2'=1314816B;32212254720;53687091200;0;

Reporting on groups of volumes

To get the sum of all used-space on all volumes use the aggregated subcommand:

$ check_netapp_volume usage aggregated -H sim96 -w 10MiB -c 15MiB
NETAPP VOLUME USAGE AGGREGATED OK - 5 volumes checked, sum 6.176MiB used
vserv_a.vol0: 1.238MiB
vserv_b.vol0: 1.27MiB
vserv_a.vol1: 1.184MiB
vserv_b.vol1: 1.23MiB
vserv_b.vol2: 1.254MiB
| 'sum'=6475776B;10485760;15728640;0;

The aggregated function is especially useful if you plan to monitor or report on groups of volumes, which you can select by name (--include/--exclude). This way, provided that you have a naming convention in place, the volumes space used by selected customers or departments can be easily monitored as a whole.

Please have a look into the documentation if you are interested in more examples.

To get a testing version or to buy the product please contact our distributor.

Monitoring Check for E-Series Network Interfaces
Check Site Simple v1.1.0 released
