Untitled Reusable Block

The check_netapp_quotas script returns a list of filers where quotas are in
place and where quotas are exceeded.

This script has a nifty new feature, which is available from check_netapp_pro
version 5 onwards, to list quota limits per user. Enabling the –list_users
switch will make the check_netapp_quotas script print a human-readable view of
both soft- and hard-limits, which are overused, per user. An example will make
this clearer.

The standard check_netapp_quotas behaviour:

   ./check_netapp_quotas.pl -H filer91
   All checked quotas within limits on filer91.
   | srv1.vol1_disk-used=0kiB;0;0;0; srv1.vol1_files-used=6;0;0;0; srv1.vol1.*_disk-used=0kiB;0;51200;0; srv1.vol1.*_files-used=0;0;0;0;

An example of the extended –list_users switch:

   ./check_netapp_quotas.pl -H filer91 –list_users
   All checked quotas within limits on filer91.
   | srv1.vol1_disk-used=0kiB;0;0;0; srv1.vol1_files-used=6;0;0;0; srv1.vol1.*_disk-used=0kiB;0;51200;0; srv1.vol1.*_files-used=0;0;0;0;

New SnapCenter check alarms if errors occur during backups.
The rm_ack feature can now be switched off completely with --rm_ack=off.
