This plugin sends warning messages in time when detecting auto-size volume growth. The check VolumeAutosize sends a warning message, if the actual size of a volume approaches the maximum size configured in DataONTAP. The switches –include and –exclude work the same way as in other plugins: they enable all, a few or …
New Release monitors lag-time, transfer-size, transfer-duration and snap-mirror-status. The reliable check **SnapMirror, **previously bundled in the suite check_netapp 2.x, has been separated into two different checks in the new version of check_netapp_pro (3.x): SnapMirrorState SnapMirrorMetrics The two different …
Our Nagios plugins for NetApp are able to read usage of each CPU separately or of the entire system (calculated average for all processors) and transfers the information to the monitoring system (Nagios, Icinga, op5, …). The check **PerfCpu **can be usedto monitor separate CPUs: $ ./check\_netapp\ PerfCpu -H …