PerfVolume – More Counter, Better Performance

The new version of **PerfVolume  **is now able to handle any amount of volumes on a filer. The formerly common error message “Not enough memory to get instances” is a thing of the past. Should the amount of instances exceed the maximum possible value, the plugin would start a second call at runtime in order to collect the missing instances. 

The core task of the PerfVolume check has remained the same: continuous monitoring of latency (per volume latency) on NetApp filers.

In addition, it is now possible to monitor a number of performance counters (SAN*, CIFS*, FCP*) and the switch --explain=counters  displays all counters available on the filer.

Example output:

$ ./get\_netapp\ -H sim812 -m 7 -o volume --explain=counters

Performance counters for perf-object 'volume' available on this filer:
Counter-Name                Description (Unit, Properties, Privilege)
asynchronous\_frees          Number of asynchronous frees per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
avg\_latency                 Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL
                            filesystem to process all the operations on the
                            volume; not including request processing or
                            network communication time (microsec, average,
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of fixable
                            files in AFS through the container file with
                            error handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of fixable
                            files in AFS through the container file with
                            error condition indicated to WAFL client (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of fixable
                            files trapped in a snapshot read through the
                            container file with error handled by WAFL (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Total accesses to bad blocks of fixable files
                            trapped in snapshots and read through the
                            container file with error condition indicated to
                            WAFL client (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of non-fixable
                            files read through the container file with error
                            handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of non-fixable
                            files read through the container file with error
                            condition indicated to WAFL client (none, raw,
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of user files
                            through the container file with error handled by
                            WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks of user files
                            through the container file with error condition
                            indicated to WAFL client (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks fixable by iron
                            with error handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks fixable by iron
                            with error condition indicated to WAFL client
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in fixable meta
                            files with error handled by WAFL (none, raw,
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in fixable meta
                            files with error condition indicated to WAFL
                            client (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks not fixable by
                            iron with error handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks not fixable by
                            iron with error condition indicated to WAFL
                            client (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in user files
                            with error handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in user files
                            with error condition indicated to WAFL client
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in Zombie files
                            with error handled by WAFL (none, raw, diag)
                            Total read accesses to bad blocks in Zombie files
                            with error condition indicated to WAFL client
                            (none, raw, diag)
cifs\_other\_latency          Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            other CIFS operations to the volume; not
                            including CIFS protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed CIFS request latency
                            (microsec, average, advanced)
cifs\_other\_ops              Number of other cifs operations per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
cifs\_read\_data              Bytes read per second via cifs from the volume
                            (b\_per\_sec, rate, advanced)
cifs\_read\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            CIFS read requests to the volume; not including
                            CIFS protocol request processing or network
                            communication time which will also be included in
                            client observed CIFS request latency (microsec,
                            average, advanced)
cifs\_read\_ops               Number of cifs reads per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
cifs\_write\_data             Bytes written per second via cifs to the volume
                            (b\_per\_sec, rate, advanced)
cifs\_write\_latency          Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            CIFS write requests to the volume; not including
                            CIFS protocol request processing or network
                            communication time which will also be included in
                            client observed CIFS request latency (microsec,
                            average, advanced)
cifs\_write\_ops              Number of cifs writes per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
clone\_afs\_full\_file         Number of full file clones from AFS (none, raw,
clone\_afs\_sub\_file          Number of sub file clones from AFS (none, raw,
clone\_blks\_copied           Number of time clone splits resulted in copying
                            blocks (none, raw, diag)
clone\_eio\_blks              Number of time EIO is returned because of absense
                            of backing snapshot (none, raw, diag)
                            End FBN is greater than EOF (none, raw, diag)
clone\_inline\_split\_edquot   Not enogh quota for the user (none, raw, diag)
clone\_inline\_split\_enospc   Not enough space on the vol (none, raw, diag)
                            Kireeti scanner in progress (none, raw, diag)
                            Source or Destination is dirty (none, raw, diag)
                            Source has SPEC vbns (none, raw, diag)
                            Range size greater than stage size (none, raw,
clone\_inline\_splits         Successful inline clone splits (none, raw, diag)
clone\_inodes                Number of clone inodes in the volume (none, raw,
clone\_lookup\_hits           Number of clone metafile lookups got succeeded in
                            the volume (none, raw, diag)
clone\_lookups               Number of clone metafile lookups in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
clone\_max\_entries           Maximum clone metafile entries reached so far..
                            (none, raw, diag)
clone\_max\_hierarchy         Maximum clone hierarchy reached so far.. (none,
                            raw, diag)
clone\_num\_entries           Number of entries in clone metafile (none, raw,
clone\_num\_share\_stopped     Number of failed clone splits (none, raw, diag)
clone\_read\_redirected       Number of times read was block was fetched from
                            parent (none, raw, diag)
clone\_sizes\_hist            Histogram of clone sizes (none, raw, diag)
clone\_snap\_full\_file        Number of full file clones from Snapshots (none,
                            raw, diag)
clone\_snap\_sub\_file         Number of sub file clones from Snapshots (none,
                            raw, diag)
clone\_split\_ra              Number of read-aheads issued during clone split
                            (none, raw, diag)
clone\_split\_ra\_lag          Number of times read-aheads lagged behind the
                            clone split cursor. (none, raw, diag)
clone\_storage\_blocks        For a clone volume an estimate of the storage
                            directly used by clone (none, raw, diag)
clone\_unsplit\_snap\_entries  Number of pending clone splits dependent on
                            snapshots (none, raw, diag)
delete\_log                  Delete log counters (none, raw, diag)
df\_worker                   Number of times per second delayed free worker
                            called on the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
extent\_size                 Extent size (none, raw, diag)
fcp\_other\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            other FCP protocol operations to the volume; not
                            including FCP protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed FCP protocol request
                            latency (microsec, average, diag)
fcp\_other\_ops               Number of other block protocol operations per
                            second to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
fcp\_read\_data               Bytes read per second via block protocol from the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
fcp\_read\_latency            Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            FCP protocol read operations to the volume; not
                            including FCP protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed FCP protocol request
                            latency (microsec, average, diag)
fcp\_read\_ops                Number of block protocol reads per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
fcp\_write\_data              Bytes written per second via block protocol to
                            the volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
fcp\_write\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            FCP protocol write operations to the volume; not
                            including FCP protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed FCP protocol request
                            latency (microsec, average, diag)
fcp\_write\_ops               Number of block protocol writes per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_other\_ops         Number of other FlexCache operations per second
                            to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_read\_data         Bytes read per second via FlexCache from the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_read\_ops          Number of FlexCache read operations per second
                            from the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_receive\_data      Bytes received per second via FlexCache to the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_send\_data         Bytes sent per second via FlexCache from the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_write\_data        Bytes written per second via FlexCache to the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
flexcache\_write\_ops         Number of FlexCache write operations per second
                            to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
full\_clone\_latencies\_hist   Histogram of full\_file clone create latencies
                            (none, raw, diag)
instance\_name               Instance Name (none, string, basic)
instance\_uuid               Instance UUID (none, string, basic)
internal\_msgs               Number of internal backdoor messages per second
                            to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
iscsi\_other\_latency         Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            other iSCSI protocol operations to the volume;
                            not including iSCSI protocol request processing
                            or network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed iSCSI protocol
                            request latency (microsec, average, diag)
iscsi\_other\_ops             Number of other block protocol operations per
                            second to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
iscsi\_read\_data             Bytes read per second via block protocol from the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
iscsi\_read\_latency          Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            iSCSI protocol read operations to the volume; not
                            including iSCSI protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed iSCSI protocol
                            request latency (microsec, average, diag)
iscsi\_read\_ops              Number of block protocol reads per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
iscsi\_write\_data            Bytes written per second via block protocol to
                            the volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
iscsi\_write\_latency         Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            iSCSI protocol write operations to the volume;
                            not including iSCSI protocol request processing
                            or network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed iSCSI request latency
                            (microsec, average, diag)
iscsi\_write\_ops             Number of block protocol writes per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
                            Number of SpinNP operations allowed in nvfailed
                            state. (none, raw, diag)
                            Number of SpinNP operations rejected in nvfailed
                            state. (none, raw, diag)
nfs\_other\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            other NFS operations to the volume; not including
                            NFS protocol request processing or network
                            communication time which will also be included in
                            client observed NFS request latency (microsec,
                            average, advanced)
nfs\_other\_ops               Number of other NFS operations per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
nfs\_read\_data               Bytes read per second via NFS from the volume
                            (b\_per\_sec, rate, advanced)
nfs\_read\_latency            Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            NFS protocol read requests to the volume; not
                            including NFS protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed NFS request latency
                            (microsec, average, advanced)
nfs\_read\_ops                Number of NFS reads per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
nfs\_write\_data              Bytes written per second via NFS to the volume
                            (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
nfs\_write\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            NFS protocol write requests to the volume; not
                            including NFS protocol request processing or
                            network communication timewhich will also be
                            included in client observed NFS request latency
                            (microsec, average, advanced)
nfs\_write\_ops               Number of NFS writes per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, advanced)
node\_name                   System node name (none, string, basic)
nonzero\_dbys\_cnt            Number of times blks\_vvol\_dbys\_df\_cnt counter
                            being not zero, at the end persistent delayed
                            free merge scores. (none, raw, diag)
other\_latency               Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL
                            filesystem to process other operations to the
                            volume; not including request processing or
                            network communication time (microsec, average,
other\_ops                   Number of other operations per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, basic)
parent\_aggr                 Name of hosting aggregate (none, string, diag)
read\_blocks                 Number of blocks read per second from the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, diag)
read\_data                   Bytes read per second from the volume (b\_per\_sec,
                            rate, basic)
read\_latency                Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL
                            filesystem to process read request to the volume;
                            not including request processing or network
                            communication time (microsec, average, basic)
read\_ops                    Number of reads per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, basic)
san\_other\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            other block protocol requests to the volume; not
                            including block protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed block protocol
                            request latency (microsec, average, diag)
san\_other\_ops               Number of other block protocol operations per
                            second to the volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
san\_read\_data               Bytes read per second via block protocol from the
                            volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
san\_read\_latency            Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            block protocol read requests to the volume; not
                            including block protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed block protocol
                            request latency (microsec, average, diag)
san\_read\_ops                Number of block protocol reads per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
san\_write\_data              Bytes written per second via block protocol to
                            the volume (b\_per\_sec, rate, diag)
san\_write\_latency           Average time for the WAFL filesystem to process
                            block protocol write requests to the volume;
                            including block protocol request processing or
                            network communication time which will also be
                            included in client observed block protocol
                            request latency (microsec, average, diag)
san\_write\_ops               Number of block protocol writes per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
sub\_clone\_latencies\_hist    Histogram of sub-file clone create latencies
                            (none, raw, diag)
synchronous\_frees           Number of synchronous frees per second to the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, diag)
total\_ops                   Number of operations per second serviced by the
                            volume (per\_sec, rate, basic)
vserver\_name                Name of the vserver owning this volume (none,
                            string, basic)
vserver\_uuid                UUID for the vserver owning this volume (none,
                            string, basic)
write\_blocks                Number of blocks written per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, diag)
write\_data                  Bytes written per second to the volume
                            (b\_per\_sec, rate, basic)
write\_latency               Average latency in microseconds for the WAFL
                            filesystem to process write request to the
                            volume; not including request processing or
                            network communication time (microsec, average,
write\_ops                   Number of writes per second to the volume
                            (per\_sec, rate, basic)
wv\_fsid                     File system ID for the volume (none, string,
wv\_fsinfo\_blkr\_cp           CP when block reallocation first performed (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Reserved blocks for all holes in the 64-bit
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Reserved blocks for CIFS holes in the 64-bit
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Reserved blocks for all holes in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Reserved blocks for CIFS holes in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Overwrite reserved blocks in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Overwrite slider percentage for the volume
                            (percent, raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_res\_state    Space reservation state for the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_reserve      Reserved blocks in the volume (none, raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_rsrv\_absents Absent sparse volume reserved blocks in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_rsrv\_parent  Partial space reservation blocks charged to the
                            aggregate for the volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Snap reserved percentage for the volume (percent,
                            raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_total        Total blocks in the volume (none, raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_blks\_used         Used blocks (all planes) in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Used blocks (plane 0) in the volume (none, raw,
                            Dbys delayed free count (none, raw, diag)
                            Containment version for compressed volumes (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version for compressed
                            volumes (none, raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version detected for SnapLock
                            Compliance volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version detected for SnapLock
                            Enterprise volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version reserved for SnapLock
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version reserved for SnapLock
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Highest containment version for volumes which
                            have the vm-align option set (none, raw, diag)
                            Containment version for SnapLock Compliance
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Containment version for SnapLock Enterprise
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Containment version reserved for SnapLock (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Containment version reserved for SnapLock (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Containment version for volumes which have the
                            vm-align option set (none, raw, diag)
wv\_fsinfo\_fs\_version        File system version for the volume (none, raw,
                            Reserved private inodes in the volume (none, raw,
                            Total private inodes in the volume (none, raw,
wv\_fsinfo\_private\_inos\_used Used private inodes in the volume (none, raw,
                            Reserved public inodes in the volume (none, raw,
wv\_fsinfo\_public\_inos\_total Total public inodes in the volume (none, raw,
wv\_fsinfo\_public\_inos\_used  Used public inodes in the volume (none, raw,
                            Playlist APFI Hash Table access collisions (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Playlist APFI Hash Table bucket insertion
                            collisions (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_apfi\_used\_slots Playlist APFI Hash Table entries used (none, raw,
wv\_playlist\_cont\_indirects  Playlist container indirect buf loads (none, raw,
wv\_playlist\_entries         Playlist Entries (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_getbuf\_failures Playlist getbuf failures (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_hits            Playlist Hits (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_load\_end\_time   Playlist fetch end time (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_misses          Playlist Late Loads (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_no\_raidbufs     Playlist no raidbuf (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_not\_present     Playlist Needed But Not Present (none, raw, diag)
                            Playlist prefetch initiate end time (none, raw,
                            Prefetch is not started but mount has begun
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Playlist prefetch initiate start time (none, raw,
wv\_playlist\_reqs            Playlist read\_ahead requests (none, raw, diag)
wv\_playlist\_vvbn\_holes      Playlist vvbns that resolved into holes (none,
                            raw, diag)
wv\_vol\_type                 Volume type for the volume (none, string, diag)
wv\_volinfo\_fs\_flags         File system flags for the volume (none, string,
wv\_volinfo\_fs\_options       File system options for the volume (none, string,
wvbd\_active\_frees           Active file system freed blocks during CP in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvbd\_active\_frees\_y         Active file system freed blocks (youngest) during
                            CP in the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvbd\_owner\_changed\_y        Changed ownership blocks (youngest) during CP in
                            the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvbd\_whole\_frees            Active file system whole freed blocks during CP
                            in the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvbd\_whole\_frees\_o          Whole freed blocks (oldest) during CP in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_delalloc              Delalloc blocks during CP in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvblk\_ind\_delalloc          Delalloc blocks during CP in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
                            Outstanding delayed pvbn frees independent of
                            score cap in the flex volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_past\_eof              Blocks past EOF in the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_past\_eof64            Blocks past EOF in the 64-bit volume (none, raw,
wvblk\_reclaim\_time\_abort    Last abort time of the block reclamation scanner
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_reclaim\_time\_done     Last completion time of the block reclamation
                            scanner (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_reclaim\_time\_reset    Last reset time of the block reclamation scanner
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_reclaim\_time\_start    Last start time of the block reclamation scanner
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_absents          Absent sparse volume reserved blocks during CP in
                            the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_delalloc         Reserved delalloc blocks during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_holes            Blocks reserved for all holes during CP in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_holes64          Blocks reserved for all holes during CP in the
                            64-bit volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_holes\_cifs       Blocks reserved for CIFS holes during CP in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_holes\_cifs64     Blocks reserved for CIFS holes during CP in the
                            64-bit volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_overwrite        Blocks reserved for overwrite during CP in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_parent\_holes     Blocks charged to the aggregate for holes in the
                            volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_rsrv\_parent\_overwrite Blocks charged to the aggregate for overwrites in
                            the volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Blocks charged to the aggregate for always
                            overwrites in the volume (none, raw, diag)
                            Reserved private inodes during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Total private inodes during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Used private inodes during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Reserved public inodes during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Total public inodes during CP in the volume
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Used public inodes during CP in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvblk\_snap\_reserve          Snap reserved blocks in the volume (none, raw,
wvblk\_spcres\_in\_parent      Whether space reservation charges are made to the
                            aggregate for the volume (none, raw, diag)
wvblk\_zombie\_blks           Blocks used in zombie files in the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvdf\_enabled                Delayed frees are enabled for this volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvdf\_inconsistent\_scores    If delayed free scores are inconsistent (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvdf\_last\_fbn               Last active map block from which we freed a pvbn
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvdf\_max\_frees              Maximum number of delayed pvbn frees (none, raw,
wvdf\_total\_score            Total delayed free score across entire active map
                            (none, raw, diag)
wvdf\_water\_mark             pvbn frees start when vac\_f\_to\_be\_reclaimed
                            passes this limit (none, raw, diag)
wvi2p\_wip\_wi\_size           I2P database size (none, raw, diag)
                            Blocks used by private inode file of the
                            aggregate (none, raw, diag)
                            Blocks used by public inode file of the aggregate
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Indirect blocks in the container file of the flex
                            volumes (none, raw, diag)
                            Container blocks in the flex volume (none, raw,
wvip\_vvol\_container\_wi\_size Container size (none, raw, diag)
wvol\_number\_suspended       Average number of requests suspended on volume
                            (none, rate, diag)
wvsblk\_lev0\_over\_nominal    Count of level0 container blocks over nominal
                            size (none, raw, diag)
wvsblk\_space\_tax            Space management tax for volume (none, raw, diag)
wvsblk\_vvrd\_flags           Volume flags stored in the raid label (none, raw,
wvsblk\_vvrd\_last\_fbn        Last FBN till which indirects have been counted
                            (none, raw, diag)
                            Inherited block count for the clone (none, raw,
wvsblk\_vvrd\_spcflags        Space management scanner flags (none, raw, diag)
wvsblk\_vvrd\_vol\_size        Nominal size stored in the raid label (none, raw,
wvsnap\_incore\_count         Total number of snapshots for which the fsinfo
                            block has been read from disk and the information
                            stored in-core (none, raw, diag)
wvsnap\_loaded\_total         A monotonically increasing counter that will get
                            incremented each time we load a snapshot fsinfo
                            block for a volume. (none, raw, diag)
wvsnap\_ondisk\_count         Total number of snapshots on the volume (none,
                            raw, diag)
wvzmb\_num\_zmsgs\_inuse       Number of zombie/sfsr messages working (none,
                            raw, diag)
Counters listed, now configure your nagios ...
Not all of the above counters are supported by this plugin yet!
For enhancing the plugin with additional counters contact

rm_ack – an innovative Switch with the additional touch
