Identifying Expiring Licenses

It can happen that a DataONTAP service stops working because a limited demo license was installed which is no longer valid. image008.jpg Our new check **check_netapp_license **regularly verifies the filers. If a license is found that  expires in 30, respectively 7 days, the check sends an alert. The thresholds can be configured using the ‑‑warning|‑w and ‑‑critical|‑c parameters. Examples:``` $ ./ -H sim821 2 license(s) ok. SnapMirror License never expires SnapVault License never expires

$ ./ -H sim83n1 1 license(s) ok. Cluster Base License never expires    

$ ./ -H sim821a -w 20 -c 7 2 license(s) ok. SnapMirror License already expired SnapVault License expires in 10 day(s)

Reducing Memory Usage
SUSE 11 - Multiple Perl Versions - Perlbrew
