We are pleased to announce that check_netapp_pro has a new autosize volume mode check feature for you. This is a check which was requested by several clients to discover whether a autosize-volume is set to grow, to grow or to shrink, or whether autosize-mode is off altogether. A demonstration will suffice to clarify …
The most recent check_netapp_pro code release includes 2 important bug fixes which users might like to test. The first relates to call- and store files getting too big and the second to VolumeAutosize crashes on some volumes. Both bugs are fixed in the RC and next major releases. 1. The call files were sometimes …
Stop Press: recent improvements to the check_netapp_pro suite of programs have enabled the removal of certain redundant cluster-mode parameters and functions, as well as reducing the configuration effort required for the checks, creating a more efficient source codebase which is easier to use. The --node parameter to …
A recurring question from our user base is whether directly checking the health of NetApp cluster switches is supported. As with many specific questions, the answer is yes but TMTOWTDI (there’s more than one way to do it). There are several options available.
The existing check_netapp_takeover takeover check …
NetApp 7-Mode filers are more and more disappearing from our customer sites. For the forseeable future we will continue to support and deliver 7-mode checks as they are. However, as a consequence of this observation we will: 1. Not update them any more. Except for bugs; it is very unlikely that new bugs are discovered …
The check_netapp_pro suite of scripts provides a suite of tools for retrieving data values on NetApp filers and checking them against reference values. Among other features, the check_netapp_anycli.pl script can check for fractional reserves values. Fractional reserves, expressed as percentages and also known as LUN …
Who and where we are The Ingo Lantschner company is based at Marchettigasse 5/10, 1060 Vienna, Austria. Our website address is: https://netapp-monitoring.info/ To get in contact with us please use our contact page.
Essentials This user privacy page sets out out data usage practices for our clients and users of this …
The NetApp volume autosize command sets and displays the autosize settings of DataONTAP flexible volumes. This command enables a user to enable and disable autosizing on a volume, to control both the overall minimum and maximum sizes, and to control the percentage size of the increments with each grow or shrink …
NetApp MetroClusters have a new check for connections which assists with showing the results of connections for nodes. This check was introduced with the v9.4 DataONTAP release to check the connection of MetroCluster over IP partner nodes, and includes checks for the partner cluster and configuration settings, network …
The present version of the Snapshots -check already understood the filtering parameter --check_only=no_reserve|with_reserve. Based on a customer request we implemented now the ability to add an additional filter for selecting volumes with or without LUN. Example: $ ./check_netapp_pro Snapshots -H filer …