Looking forward to the next release of check_netapp_pro brings several enhancements. The first one off the block, due to be released with 4.3.0, is the [netapp_double_dash]top=n parameter. To assist with managing large slabs of information, scrolling off the top of your screen, it is now possible to retain the n top …
When using the DiskPaths plugin with check_netapp_pro, it can be useful to leverage the lesser known --port_pattern_ok argument. For example, if you are receiving an error message similar to this: The found port combination is reported to be BA, which is considered wrong because the default values for the port …
\> check\_netapp\_pro.pl DiskPaths -H $HOST wrong combination 1 nodes, 2 paths for mycluster-01 with \*\*wrong\*\* port-combination: BA (CRITICAL)
.bg-accent { background: #0459b3; } .tagline { color: white; } #htmlmap_cats { margin-left: -80%; margin-right: -30%; }