The check_netapp_quotas script returns a list of filers where quotas are in place and where quotas are exceeded. This script has a nifty new feature, which is available from check_netapp_pro version 5 onwards, to list quota limits per user. Enabling the –list_users switch will make the check_netapp_quotas script …
The very useful –rm_ack=(…) parameter lets us decide how to deal with remote service acknowledgements. The optional arguments supplied until now have included ignore, always, never and reason-change, with the latter being the default. This parameter now has an additional option: off. –rm_ack=off As …
check_netapp_pro already provides a way to flag volumes which do not have snapshots at all. The check SnapshotLessVolume just looks for the size used by snapshots and if that size is equal to 0 it will raise an alarm. Lately, while working on a check for snapmirrors, I found some attributes from which we could derive …
You are currently uploading a file for the [netapp_loggedin_as] account. NB. You may switch to another user from the list (hover over the row to get the switch controller) and then use the link at the base of the page to switch back to your account. [wordpress_file_upload …