Current versions of ignore the --timeout|-t parameter (which limits the runtime of the check). This only affects checks listed with Getter and setter and stand-alone checks are not affected. Since** reads data from the local stores, timeouts very rarely …
Our new DiskCount check counts available disks on a system. This can be quite handy when setting a filter, e.g. only counting SSD drives in the spare container. This way, one can use thresholds to send warning messages as soon as the number of spare SSD disks falls below a certain threshold. In contrast to the …
_Unknown _volumes are currently not supported by the Usage plugin included in version 3.4.0. As a workaround we recommend excluding the respective volumes via the X switch after having verified their unknown state using -explore. As of the next release (3.4.1) the plugin will skip unknown volumes (and outputs the …
Not every Server with a stopped operational state should always be marked as critical. With the next release we are adding the possibility to set the option ‑‑skip_reason. This option kann be set multiple times to specify more than one reason to skip the check. An excerpt from our help page to illustrate its usage: $ …
We are currently developing a check that detects the blocked but unused blocks of LUNs and that sends an alarm if a specified threshold has been reached. This check will most likely be used to notify admins that it is time to tell the VMWare ESX server via _unmap _to free unused blocks. Please find more information …
Our legacy check for Spapvaults on 7m filers (check_netapp7_snapvault) monitors lag time and other metrics, previously displayed in seconds:
$ ./ -H sim ... ‑‑what=lag-time CRITICAL: Lag-time of SnapVault relation ... 12629906 seconds. Not that readable, is it? This is why the next release …
Not long ago we received an email from one of our very dedicated clients asking if it were possible to design a check that could verify if a server can be pinged from a vserver via jumbo frames. He was kind enough to attach a CLI command, which he used for testing purposes: network ping ‑vserver nfs ‑destination esx1 …
With Usage it was always mandatory to set the ‑‑vserver|‑‑node|‑s argument. This means it necessary to specify for which node or vserver the volumes should be monitored. The argument expects either the node or vserver name, depending on the device being monitored. This has caused quite some confusion in the past. In …
ClusterPeerHealth , a new check currently in development, that will allow for continuously monitoring of the different nodes for a Metro Cluster as well as their availability. Health and other status information and various “pings” (data, icmp) will be used for evaluation. Please find information about our …
Snapshots can be used not only to monitor volume usage by snapshots, but also the number of snapshots that meet a certain criteria, e.g snapshots that exceed or fall bellow a certain age or have a specific name.
Finding outdated snapshots In order to receive alarms for orphaned and outdated snapshots, one would use the …