Included in our next release, check_netapp_mc_config will provide the possibility to monitor the mode information of a MetroCluster. Example 1: An incomplete installation for a simulator $ ./ -H sim83n1 --local --remote NETAPP_MC_CONFIG CRITICAL - Local: sim83 is not_configured, Remote is …
The usage for each processor can be monitored with PerfCpu. Not long ago we received a request to monitor the average CPU usage (for all CPUs). If Prozessor0 has a usage of 40% and Prozessor1 a usage of 80%, the check in this mode would return OK up to a threshold of 60% (average of 40 and 80). This option will be …
PerfDisk monitors the usage of every single disk. If just one disk exceeds the threshold, the check sends an alarm. BadlyPerformingDisks is a new check that first analyses every disk, counts every disk that exceeds a defined threshold and only sends an alarm if a specified amount of disks exceed this threshold. This …
Our Legacy check for monitoring SnapVaults on 7-Mode systems will soon have an option to monitor lag-time as well. Just like its C-Mode counterpart, it can therefore monitor state as well as lag-time. Should the lag-time exceed a certain length, an alarm is sent. An example: ./ -H filer …
Our Disk check is going to have a new feature. Using the switch ‑‑what=non-zeroed-spare an alarm is sent as soon as non-zeroed spare disks have been found. Depending on wether the zeroing process is currently running or not, a WARNING (including progress) will be sent or else CRITICAL.
Today we are introducing a new switch for all checks: ‑‑alarm_limit=0|1|2 When would we need this new switch? It will most probably be used for Raidstatus or SnapMirrorState , every time when an administrator thinks that an alarm marked as CRITICAL is too far fetched and WARNING would be enough. An example: $ …
ShelfEnvironment is a new check that is currently being developed and will allow for the current status and the following values for shelves to be monitored: shelf status power supply performance temperature sensors fan performance and rotation speeds voltage sensors (Volt) current sensors (Ampere) We are planing to …
Network ports of a filer are not always in use. Up to now, the NetPort check would send an alarm for every port that was not marled as up. Of course, this is not useful for ports that have been deactivated on purpose. Previously, these ports could be excluded from being monitored using the switch exclude and --include …
Nicht immer sind alle Netzwerk Ports eines Filers in Verwendung. Der Check NetPort sorgte bisher dafür, dass alle Ports die nicht up waren einen Alarm verursachten. Bei bewusst deaktivieren Ports ist das natürlich nicht sinnvoll. Hier gab es bisher schon die Möglichkeit, diese über die Schalter --exclude und --include …
Raidstatus monitors the redundancy or the RAID status of one or more aggregates. It is important to make sure that the patterns viewed as OK are as accurate as possible. An example for an OK pattern is the raid_dp status, not OK would be raid_dp, degraded. However, the following configuration --ok_state=raid_dp is …