PerfDisk measures the disk_busy metric. The check can be restricted to a single aggregate with the switch ‑‑raid_group. We are adding a new switch that allows for a different way of monitoring: ‑‑average Just like with PerfCpu, using the ‑‑average switch compares the average value of all instances, i.e. disks, to the …
One of our customers came up with an interesting idea: simple checks, such as **check_netapp_health, **could be extended with ability to recognize a change in cause, a feature usually found in multi-instance checks. For multi-instance checks that are not OK, rm_ack investigates if a change of cause for the not-OK …
Today I was asked if it were possible to add a switch to multi-instance checks, such as the check for volumes or aggregates, that returns a list of instance names which could then be used for other purposes (e.g. creating checks using the op5 API). I am leaning towards creating a separate script for this feature. $ …
We are adding a filter for the check VolumeState to include or exclude specific nodes, using the same logic with ‑‑exclude|‑X and‑‑include|‑I switches previously seen in many other checks. With the introduction of the new ‑exclude_nodes and ‑‑include_nodesswitches we can now restrict the nodes that should be monitored. …
In order to monitor the configuration-health of Metro-Cluster Servers we are introducing a new check: MetroClusterVserver , monitoring all or specific Vservers. The check can be configured to monitor the Vservers of a specific node and/or those fitting a specific naming pattern. Furthermore, the switch --skip_reason …
As of the next release, DiskPaths will skip unassigned disks (e.g. disks left over after an aggregate has been destroyed) since it is not its job to identify them. Skipped disks can be viewed with -verbose. From now on it is important to configure Disk Check with -what=unassigned. A best practice is not to leave any …
As of release 3.5.0 it will be possible to configure checks so that the non-existence of instances does not trigger an alarm. The default configuration won’t change, meaning that an UNKNOWN will still be sent when the performance getter (performance collectors) don’t find volumes, disks, luns, etc… …
The --no_instances=OK switch has been available for some time now. It prevents for example a LUN check that can’t find any LUNs with a not always matching UNKNOWN not to seek any unneeded attention. Recently, we received an increasing number of requests that express the desire for such a switch for collectors …