The present version of the ShelfEnvironment -check monitors the condition of the temperature-sensors (One of: “under_temperature_warning”, “under_temperature_failure”, “over_temperature_warning”, “over_temperature_failure”, “normal_temperature_range”). A …
We have implemented (but not yet released) an enhancement in check_netapp_takeover to check if interconnect-links are up and ok. This additional aspect in the takeover-check is enabled by default:``` $ ./ -H NETAPP_TAKEOVER OK - 9 takeover-aspects checked interconnect …
We have implemented (but yet not released) a new check to monitor the performance of qtrees namely the operations per second on qtrees. The PerfQtree-check is meant to have an eye on q-trees so that e.g. out-of-controll-applications can be detected straight to the point. Counters These counters are supported so far by …
We have implemented (but not yet released) a change in the library responsible for the call files. Until now all call-files have been saved directly within the directory calls/. The number of files within this directory can grow quickly up to 30.000 or more which could have some performance-issues with the filesystem …
We have implemented (but not yet released) an enhancement for the cluster-mode getter get_netapp_cm. Based on a simple change in the user-interface you can now tell the getter to retrieve the data of more than one object at once. For example:``` -H sim91 -o volume -o aggregate Data collected for these …
While making most of the checks compatible with the upcoming DataONTAP 9.3 we unfortunately broke the 7m-backwards-compatibility in some direct (*) checks like check_netapp_scrub and check_netapp_spare. We are working on an update to fix this and will announce it’s availability here. *) direct checks retrieve …
We are having a new check proposed by one of our customers who had an issue with a single process eating up all the CPU time on a filer. It’s easy to identify the culprit once you are on the command-line of the filer (priv-mode) by issuing the ps command. To automate that sort of monitoring and getting an alarm …