You are currently uploading a file for the [netapp_loggedin_as] account.
NB. You may switch to another user from the list (hover over the row to get the switch controller) and then use the link at the base of the page to switch back to your account.
[wordpress_file_upload …
A bug has been discovered in the PerfDisk report functionality of check_netapp_pro. This error has been fixed and you should decide whether this is important enough for you to install an unstable release or simply wait for the next stable version. The bug manifests itself by reporting Multiple_Values instead of the …
Looking forward to the next release of check_netapp_pro brings several enhancements. The first one off the block, due to be released with 4.3.0, is the [netapp_double_dash]top=n parameter.
To assist with managing large slabs of information, scrolling off the top of your screen, it is now possible to retain the n top …
When using the DiskPaths plugin with check_netapp_pro, it can be useful to leverage the lesser known --port_pattern_ok argument. For example, if you are receiving an error message similar to this:
The found port combination is reported to be BA, which is considered wrong because the default values for the port …
\> check\_netapp\ DiskPaths -H $HOST wrong combination 1 nodes, 2 paths for mycluster-01 with \*\*wrong\*\* port-combination: BA (CRITICAL)
.bg-accent { background: #0459b3; } .tagline { color: white; } #htmlmap_cats { margin-left: -80%; margin-right: -30%; }
It’s all too easy to assume that everyone else knows what you know. We tend to take it for granted that all technical users are familiar with regexes. And also that, being familiar, we assume they also know how to use them to best advantage. This is not always the case, as a recent support call made clear. The …
An exciting feature release for check_netapp_pro is the new --rm_ack_handler parameter, which enables users to construct their own method to reset remote service acknowledgements for checks which have failed. This is not a matter of checking what has failed, but a way to manage the acknowledgements of what has failed; …
For the New Year check_netapp_pro has gained a new Head –object=version feature. This makes it easier to check whether your DataOnTap versions are up-to-date, or whether you are slipping behind some expected baseline version. Let’s check whether we’ve got at least version 9.1 installed, and blow up if …