We are providing a new check to validate the certificates expiration from the SVM in the NetApp cluster. This check will send you a warning if one (or many) of the server-certificates are going to expire within a given number of days.
$ scripts/certificate -H filer -w 30 -c 10 CERTIFICATE OK - 3 server certificates …
We are happy to announce that the next major release of check_netapp_pro is now available on the Q-Portal for download.
The breaking changes for this release are:
A new directory layout which will ease the creation of RPM-packages. Also we have introduced a new getter for DataONTAP 9.7s new API plus several new checks. …
The new UnprotectedVolume check searches for volumes not protected by a SnapMirror.
An alarm is generated if one or more unprotected volumes are found. Specific volumes and vservers can be checked by using the standard check_netapp_pro --include= and --exclude= arguments. A simple example follows using the default …
The check_netapp_quotas script returns a list of filers where quotas are in
place and where quotas are exceeded.
This script has a nifty new feature, which is available from check_netapp_pro version 5 onwards, to list quota limits per user. Enabling the --list_users switch will make the check_netapp_quotas script print …
The new VolumeAge check for check_netapp_pro warns about overly old or exceptionally young volumes, where the age is calculated as the difference between the volume creation-time and now.
Thresholds (--warning, --critical) may be set in days (d) or week (w). Various arguments can be used to narrow down the search in …
The very useful --rm_ack=… parameter lets us decide how to deal with the posibility to remove a service acknowledgement in case of a reason-change. The optional arguments supplied until now have included ignore, always, never and reason-change, with the latter being the default. This parameter now has an …
The check_netapp_quotas script returns a list of filers where quotas are in
place and where quotas are exceeded.
This script has a nifty new feature, which is available from check_netapp_pro
version 5 onwards, to list quota limits per user. Enabling the –list_users
switch will make the check_netapp_quotas script …
With the upcoming new v5.0.0 release comes an interesting new check for Snap Centers. The new program is check_netapp_snapcenter and is being delivered as the first of several checks which is compiled into a binary.
The check itself will query the _NetApp SnapCenter_s database directly and report any errors occurring …
The very useful –rm_ack=(…) parameter lets us decide how to deal with remote service acknowledgements. The optional arguments supplied until now have included ignore, always, never and reason-change, with the latter being the default. This parameter now has an additional option: off.
As …
check_netapp_pro already provides a way to flag volumes which do not have snapshots at all. The check SnapshotLessVolume just looks for the size used by snapshots and if that size is equal to 0 it will raise an alarm.
Lately, while working on a check for snapmirrors, I found some attributes from which we could derive …