Snapshots-Check gets powerful filtering-parameters

The present version of the Snapshots -check already understood the filtering parameter --check_only=no_reserve|with_reserve. Based on a customer request we implemented now the ability to add an additional filter for selecting volumes with or without LUN. Example: $ ./check_netapp_pro Snapshots -H filer --check_only=with_lun As mentioned above this filter can be combined now with the already existing --check_only=no_reserve|with_reserve.``` $ ./check_netapp_pro Snapshots -H filer –check_only=with_lun –check_only=no_reserve

*   do have a LUN
*   do not have a snapshot-reserve set.

What is this good for?

The combination amended with the `--metric=count` allows to monitor for Snapshot-less volumes. This is more or less the same as you can achieve with the dedicated check [SnapshotLessVolume.html]( but works independently from the filers mode whereas the SnapshotLessVolume check is limited to the more modern cluster-mode filers. Example:```
./check\_netapp\ Snapshots ... --metric=number -w 1 -c 1 --younger\_than=48h --comparison=lt
```This change will appear in the 4.0 release planed for Autumn 2018.  A prerelease for customers who want to test the new features will be available upon request.

ShelfEnvironment-Check gets thresholds
Takeover-check handling for new MetroClusters connection check
