Monitoring ASUP Messages

We are currently working on a check that monitors AutoSupport events, i.e. a check that sends an alarm if a AutoSupport message could not be created or sent. The last 50 ASUP events are polled and an alarm is triggered for any message with a failed status (transmission failed oder collection failed). Here’s an example how the output could look like:``` ./ -H sim91 NETAPP_ASUP CRITICAL - 30 asup-messages checked, 7 critical and 0 warning sim91-01 msg 7: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 7: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 7: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 6: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 5: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 4: transmission_failed WEEKLY_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 3: transmission_failed MANAGEMENT_LOG (CRITICAL) sim91-01 msg 16: re_queued REBOOT (after giveback) sim91-01 msg 17: queued PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 15: queued MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 15: queued MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 15: queued MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 17: ignore PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 17: ignore PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 16: ignore REBOOT (after giveback) sim91-01 msg 16: ignore REBOOT (after giveback) sim91-01 msg 6: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 6: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 5: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 5: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 4: ignore WEEKLY_LOG sim91-01 msg 4: ignore WEEKLY_LOG sim91-01 msg 3: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 3: ignore MANAGEMENT_LOG sim91-01 msg 2: ignore PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 2: ignore PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 2: ignore PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT sim91-01 msg 1: ignore REBOOT (after giveback) sim91-01 msg 1: ignore REBOOT (after giveback) sim91-01 msg 1: ignore REBOOT (after giveback)

Testing release 3.9.2_04 now available
