check_netapp_pro: What's New in Version 3.0.7

Version 3.0.7 of our Monitoring Plugins for NetApp (check_netapp_pro) will be available soon and will include a number of new features that have been implemented based on feedback we received from our customers:

  • New Check PerfSys: Not entirely new, but taken over from the stable version 2.x to version 3.x. In this new release, system-wide performance counters such as transfer-rate or _operations per second _ can also be checked on cluster mode Filers. Please refer to the PerfSys help page  for a first look.
  • **Reduced dependencies from CPAN-Modules: **Developing a complex product solely with Perl Core-Modules is not that easy and often does not make that much sense. If possible, it shouldn’t be made even more difficult for administrators to install these system. Therefore, we have removed the dependency on a particularly tedious module (Const::Fast::antlers). Most operating systems should now be able to work with their own package systems (deb, rpm). At the same time, we have been able to switch to a faster module.
  • A Switch to select the Node has been made available for PerfIf and PerfCpu: thus, the interfaces or CPUs of a specific Node can be monitored. Thanks to the collector architecture, this has no effect on the usage of the monitored NetApp device.
  • The Mammamia-Switch  (--mammamia) is now available for all collectors.

Check the number of Snapshots per Volume
