NetApp 7-Mode filers are more and more disappearing from our customer sites. For the forseeable future we will continue to support and deliver 7-mode checks as they are. However, as a consequence of this observation we will: 1. Not update them any more. Except for bugs; it is very unlikely that new bugs are discovered …
Who and where we are The Ingo Lantschner company is based at Marchettigasse 5/10, 1060 Vienna, Austria. Our website address is: To get in contact with us please use our contact page. Essentials This user privacy page sets out out data usage practices for our clients and users of this …
The present version of the Snapshots -check already understood the filtering parameter --check_only=no_reserve|with_reserve. Based on a customer request we implemented now the ability to add an additional filter for selecting volumes with or without LUN. Example: $ ./check_netapp_pro Snapshots -H filer …