Our Nagios plugins for NetApp are able to read usage of each CPU separately or of the entire system (calculated average for all processors) and transfers the information to the monitoring system (Nagios, Icinga, op5, …). The check **PerfCpu **can be usedto monitor separate CPUs: $ ./check\_netapp\_pro.pl PerfCpu -H …
Version 3.0.7 of our Monitoring Plugins for NetApp (check_netapp_pro) will be available soon and will include a number of new features that have been implemented based on feedback we received from our customers: New Check PerfSys: Not entirely new, but taken over from the stable version 2.x to version 3.x. In this new …
To facilitate communication between users and developers, we are introducing a new switch: --mammamia The idea behind this switch: advanced users that want to test a script or a function which appears not to be working properly usually switch to the command line. Should they require the assistance of the developer, …