After receiving the first ‑‑mammamia reports from our customers, we can already see how they affect the quality of our checks. One of the first reports we were sent was from a customer, who received an error message when using the collector for the ShelfBay Check . We weren’t able to reproduce the error quite …
First signs that Clustermode collectors are reaching their limits in larger environments are emerging. In their current form, the collectors are not able to finish collecting and storing all the data within 60 seconds. Therefore, we have optimized the collectors for volume and _col_snapshot _for experimental purposes. …
A newly developed check LunState will be included in version 3.0.14 of check_netapp_pro. This check monitors all LUNs on the filer and sends an alarm notification in case one of the LUNs is offline. Of course it is possible to define exceptions as well. Let us demonstrate this in two short examples: The following …
Summary This article is about an enhancement for the following two monitoring-plugins:
SnapMirrorMetrics-Check (Documentation for SnapMirrorMetrics ) SnapMirrorState-Check (Documentation for SnapMirrorState ) Article In DataONTAP Cluster Mode the specific engine for SnapVaults has been removed and therefore, there no …
Perviously, the check ConsistencyPoints could be used to monitor the performance based on cp (consistency points) per second. The new check Wafl incorporates this function and is now available in check_netapp_pro.``` $ ./ Wafl -H cm1 -z cp_count -l ‘back-to-back CP’ NETAPP_PRO WAFL OK - …
The recently introduced function --discover of the NetApp perfdata getter has been updated with a new function: From now on, the labels of array counters will also be displayed. This enables a more focused search for values that are to be used for the monitoring process and trend analysis.
Example Consistency Points: …
This plugin sends warning messages in time when detecting auto-size volume growth. The check VolumeAutosize sends a warning message, if the actual size of a volume approaches the maximum size configured in DataONTAP. The switches –include and –exclude work the same way as in other plugins: they enable all, a few or …
New Check displays warning message when Thin Provisioned Volumes grow too quickly. The check OvercommitAggr is already capable of identifying cases when the total sum of the actual disk space used by thin provisioned volumes on an aggregate is running low. Currently, absolute (in Byte) or percentage (in relation to …
Use these two switches to obtain background information The newly included switch --discover is now ready to be used, whereas --explore has been available since Version 2.x. Furthermore, the meaning of --explore has been changed slightly. How can the admin take advantage of these switches?
–explore --explore displays …
New Release monitors lag-time, transfer-size, transfer-duration and snap-mirror-status. The reliable check **SnapMirror, **previously bundled in the suite check_netapp 2.x, has been separated into two different checks in the new version of check_netapp_pro (3.x):
SnapMirrorState SnapMirrorMetrics The two different …