Soon you will receive a notice in the long service output if certain instances such as volumes get skipped because of the ‑‑exclude|‑X and ‑‑include|‑I switches. Example:``` ./ Usage ‑H filer ‑o aggregate ‑X ^aggr0$ NETAPP OK - 2 aggregates checked. Max. used aggregate: aggr1 (12%). 1 instance has …
Specific snapshots can now be excluded based on their application dependency using the new switch --exclude_dependency=<pattern>. This way, copies created by SnapManager can be excluded from a check (--exclude_dependency=vclone). Pattern is a regular expression, meaning snapshots with application dependency …
Multi-tenant reporting We are planing to develop a number of checks for multi-tenant monitoring for NetApp, which is used to give internal or external clients (tenants) access to volumes or entire _Storage Virtual Machines _(SVMs).
Space and IOPS per tenant The checks calculate the disk space and IOPS any given client …
Die Ausgabe von B/s Zählern im PerfLif check erfolgte bisher in der nicht gerade übersichtlichen Dimension von Bytes per Sekunden. Ab dem nächsten Release kann mit dem Schalter –prefix=ki|Mi|Gi|Ti umgeschalten werden. Dann sind sowohl die Daten der Ausgabe als auch die Schwellwert in z.B. Megabytes pro Sekunde …
As of tomorrow the Release 3.6.0_03 will be available at the QPortal. These changes since 3.5.2 are part of it:
New and improved A new format and logic for some store-files dramatically reduces the memory-footprint of checks using performance- and history-stores. New New switch --vserver for …
PerfLif: Using the new switch –prefix=ki|Mi|Gi|Ti you can now switch the output of counters with B/s data. Both output an thresholds are affected. PerfLif -H filer ... --prefix=Mi -w 200 -c 500 PERF_LIF OK - 7 lifs checked cluster1-01:clus2 (1024): 130.3MiB/s sent_data (OK) ... Performance …
As of the next release (3.6.x), LunState can be configured using the additional parameter ‑‑vserver|‑s in order to monitor the LUNS of a specific Vserver only. $ ./ LunState ‑H ‑s sp_arg02 The example above checks only the LUNs of sp_arg02.
The plugins require Perl 5.10.1 or later. Some platforms e.g. SLES11 provide Perl 5.10.0. We can not recommend to run the scripts with this Perl, since the necessary changes would be too much work. Instead we recommend to leave the system-Perl as ist is (anyway a best practice) and install a separate Perl interpreter …
It can happen that a DataONTAP service stops working because a limited demo license was installed which is no longer valid. Our new check **check_netapp_license **regularly verifies the filers. If a license is found that expires in 30, respectively 7 days, the check sends an alert. The thresholds can be configured …
We chose the store format because it reads and writes data directly in a binary file. This easy and quick solution is ideal for the initial idea of covering a period of 5 to maximum 10 minutes in 3 minute intervals. In the meantime, we use these stores not only as short term memory, but also to save data for trend …