Shortly we will be releasing our new check LunAlignment . This checks searches for misaligned LUNs per Vserver and issues a warning when a specific threshold has been exceeded. If you would like to test this check before release, please us send a quick message to .
We are adding a new counter to PerfDisk :``` -—————————————————————————– total_transfers Total number of disk operations involving data transfer initiated per …
With the next release (3.9.2) PerfVolume will be able to monitor several NFS counters.
Performance Counter on a Qtree level? Additionally, we are thinking of retrieving counters on a Qtree level. This would require a new check PerfQtree.We appreciate your feedback, please contact us directly.
Starting with the next release (3.9.2) the head check will display additional information next to the name of the node, such as the model, serial number, DataONTAP version as well as the uptime in days. This way one can see these details directly in the monitoring system without having to connect via ssh. Example:``` $ …
The switch ‑‑svm_in_name for the usage check was first introduced in version 3.9.1. We would like to take a look at an intersting use case for this new switch. ‑‑exclude|‑X and ‑‑include|‑I can be used to filter the list of instances by name. If the instance name starts with the name of the Vserver separated by a dot, …
Because of a bug related to service processors (1) we are currently developing a new check that will monitor the status of service processors. We are aiming to include this check in version 3.9.2 (planned to be released in Oktober 2017). Specification for the ServiceProcessor check We will gladly provide our customers …
Unfortunately, the option to restrict the quota check to a specific Q-tree was not implemented in previous releases. We were able to resolve this issue in the beta phase of this check. Our next release 3.9.2 will include the fixed version of Checks such as ./ -H filer …
Job is a new check that monitors the list of jobs on a NetApp Filer. Warnings are sent for jobs that correspond to a definable not-ok status (failed, paused, …). This is the first time we are introducing config-sets, which can store any number of command line arguments in a single file. We are providing presets …
In an example (that has now been removed from our help page) we described how the snapshots check could be used with the metric _number_to find volumes that don’t have any snapshots. Unfortunately, this example was misleading and lead to false negatives. For this use case we are preparing a separate check …
LUNState checks if a LUN is online or offline, but not if it is mapped („mapped to any initiators). As of version 3.9.1 a LUN will only be classified as OK if it is online and mapped. In any other case it will be classified as CRITICAL. In addition, we’ve included a switch that reverts the check back to its old …